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The Three Phase Group program that allows you to manifest your breakthrough goal

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Unlock Your Next Level of Success

No matter where you are in your business, there's always a next step that can change everything. You might feel like your goals are too hard or out of reach, but there's a reason that big vision keeps calling you back.


It’s not just a dream—it’s your Breakthrough Goal.

What If You Could Finally Reach That Goal?

Imagine having a clear, actionable plan that cuts through the noise and gets you where you want to be. Imagine eliminating those energy-draining roadblocks and finally achieving the results you’ve been chasing.

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Welcome to The Breakthrough Goal Academy

This 12-week program is designed for entrepreneurs ready to break free from frustration and confusion and step into the leader they’re meant to be. Through a combination of group support, personalized coaching, and strategic action, you’ll finally see the progress you’ve been craving.

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Breakthrough Goal Academy Methodology: Your 3-Phase Journey to Success

Phase One

Unlock Your Vision and Set the Foundation

In Phase One, we kickstart your journey by aligning your mindset and strategy with your breakthrough goal.

✔ ️ Prime Your Mind for Success: We’ll prepare your mind and nervous system to fully embrace your goals and desires, creating a fertile ground for growth.

✔ ️ With regular check-ins and strategic support, you’ll stay on track and committed to your action steps, ensuring you’re always moving forward.

✔ ️ Learn how to identify and remove the mental and emotional blocks that have been holding you back, allowing you to take action with confidence and clarity.



By the end of Phase One, you’ll have crystal-clear, attainable goals and a compelling vision for your future. With personalized support, you’ll create strategic steps to achieve these goals and start building the momentum you need. High accountability and co-working sessions will help you become a magnet for success, setting the stage for what’s to come.

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Phase Two

Deepen Your Commitment and Amplify Your Results


✔ ️ Identify and shift the limiting beliefs that have been holding you back.

✔ ️ Let’s discover YOUR method to manifest your goals.

✔ ️ How to truly receive and allow the flow of abundance into your life.


By the end of phase two you will finally have the tools to know you're worthy and deserving of the life that's on your vision board. You’ll have the support and wisdom of the group to turn doubts into unstoppable confidence.

Phase Three

Embody Your Success and Sustain Your Transformation


✔ ️ Implement sustainable habits that align with your goals and vision.

✔ ️ Cultivate a mindset of gratitude and abundance to maintain your success.

✔ ️ Master the art of balancing work, play, and self-care to thrive in all areas of life.


By the end of phase three, you will have fully integrated your new habits and mindset into your daily life. You'll not only see your dreams manifest but also sustain them with ease. With continued support and community, you'll embrace a life of balance, joy, and fulfillment. Let's solidify your transformation and celebrate your achievements!

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Here’s What You’ll Experience:

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✔️ 12 Weeks of Focused Strategy: Tailored to your specific goals, ensuring every step you take brings you closer to success.

✔️ 9 Weekly LIVE 2-Hour Group Calls: We’ll strategize together, tackle challenges, and celebrate your wins.

✔️ Unlimited Access to Recordings: Revisit the insights and strategies anytime you need them.

✔️ Personal Accountability Partner: Stay on track with someone who understands your journey and keeps you motivated.

✔️ Exclusive Online Group Forum:  Get real-time feedback, support, and inspiration from your mastermind peers and Rita.

✔️ (VIP ONLY) 2 One-on-One Coaching Sessions: Direct support from Rita to dig deep into your unique obstacles and opportunities.

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Does This Sound Like You?

✔️ You're tired of feeling stuck and watching others pass you by.
✔️ Your business isn’t growing the way you want, and you’re overwhelmed by endless to-do lists.
✔️ You know you’re capable of more, but something’s holding you back.
✔️ You’re ready to earn what you deserve and work with clients who inspire you.


Imagine Instead...

✨ Your Breakthrough Goal is already achieved.
✨ Your business is running smoothly, consistently meeting or exceeding your goals.
✨ You’re working with amazing clients, earning the income you desire.
✨ You’ve stepped into the role of a leader everyone wants to follow.
✨ Your mindset and self-mastery have transformed, making your dream life your new reality.

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Ready to Take the Leap?

It’s time to stop thinking that seven-figure business owners have something you don’t. It’s time to stop comparing yourself, stop making bad hires, and stop telling yourself that you can’t have the life you dream of.

Give yourself permission to become the leader you were meant to be.

What if I told you that you could triple your income while

having more time to spend with your family?


What if the only thing standing between you and your

dream life is a shift in mindset and strategy?

Let’s Get Started

The difference between the life you have now and the

life you want is just one Breakthrough Goal away.


In just 90 days, you could be living that life.

Let’s make it happen together.

Have Questions?

Book a Discovery Call with Rita

Get all your questions answered in this 30-minute call. Let's see if the

program is a good fit for you to reach your goals!

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The Investment


  • 3 Months of Strategy, Energy-Shifting Processes & Experiences 

  • (3) LIVE Group Video Calls each month 

  • High-level Accountability 

  • Co-Working Sessions & Brainstorming

  • Dreamwork 

       (for Goals, not sleepy time dreams)

  • Guided Meditations 

  • Private Group Voxer Channel

  • Unlimited Replay of all call recordings.

Enroll Now for $500 OFF!

6 Monthly Payments of

Pay In Full

✨  Pay In Full & Receive These BONUSES! 

  • Private Group Mastermind & Brainstorming Session

  • ProfitPro Calculator

  • (JJJ) Joyful Journey Journal

A One-Time Payment of

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VIP Upgrade

Everything in the Regular Program

✨ PLUS ✨

  • (2) 60-Minute Individual Coaching Sessions with Rita Marie Mendez 

  • Individual Private Voxer Channel with Rita

  • Private Email Support

  • Private VIP Group Mastermind & Strategy Session

  • ProfitPro Calculator

  • (JJJ) Joyful Journey Journal​


Enroll Now for $500 OFF!

6 Monthly Payments of


Pay In Full

✨  Pay In Full & VIP Receive These BONUSES! 

  • Private Group Mastermind & Brainstorming Session

  • ProfitPro Calculator

  • (JJJ) Joyful Journey Journal

A One-Time Payment of

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Client Wins...

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Melissa H.


Erica B.


Trena K.

From Zero to Two!

In just two months of joining this incredible program, I've experienced a complete transformation in my business! I went from zero transactions to closing two listings, with more pending.

This coaching has not only accelerated my growth but has provided me with the tools and confidence I need to continue succeeding!

We have 6 pieces of business!

We have 6 pieces of business!
4 listings + 2 buyers we are actively working on right now and we are having FUN with our friends in Canada this weekend!

My nervous system is at ease, I’m in flow and alignment. I am where I am supposed to be. Love you 😘

Early Success & Surpassing My Goals!

Before reaching the third month of this program, I've already met my ambitious goal of two transactions per month!

With Rita's expert coaching, I'm excited to see just how much further I can excel. The sky's the limit!

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Meet Your Coach



Hi, I'm Rita Marie Mendez

Over the years, I’ve guided hundreds of entrepreneurs, especially real estate agents, to create thriving, value-driven businesses. My mission is to help you step into the next best version of yourself, achieving the goals that have always felt just out of reach.

You don’t have to keep feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or anxious. My coaching is designed to give you the tools and strategies to eliminate those barriers and create a business that not only thrives but fulfills you.


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